Holy fuck it's nighttime


Females arent funny
I am at a bar I work at in between contracts, because I try not to go on unemployment and I get stir crazy unlike a certain fatty mc fat fat whose entire existence is the exact opposite. Anyways I was actually embarrassed to be looking at that photo around people I know. Also allegedly Pat is fat.


Stand Alone Fruit
I am at a bar I work at in between contracts, because I try not to go on unemployment and I get stir crazy unlike a certain fatty mc fat fat whose entire existence is the exact opposite. Anyways I was actually embarrassed to be looking at that photo around people I know. Also allegedly Pat is fat.
I used to work in tv production which is all contracted and looking for your next gig. In between gigs even just for a short time are stressful and can really mess with your head from not having a routine. I have no idea how Pat can be 41 and unemployed with zero work for over a decade. His writing work was part time at the most and now isn’t even that. I think that’s why he’s such an insane person, the chronic unemployment has made him deranged. It explains why a middle aged man has made twitter his entire existence. Plus made him fat and ugly.