I turned off targeted ads and got adverts on Instagram of spics selling fake US driving licences and passports.


The gunslinger.
That doesn’t even make sense.
I am “salty” (nigger babble from being chronically online) because I envy your gimmicky chair?
Where did you even get that premise?
Take a breather dude.
Up your happy pill dose, you’re acting really neurotic lately.
Maybe @cq1 can take you under his wing, he’s a blue collar, lobotomized, lunch pail whaddaiknow kinda guy.

Would you rather I post a body pic or a hair pic, to appease my rejected gay admirer Turry?


Kiss rubber, loser!
That doesn’t even make sense.
I am “salty” (nigger babble from being chronically online) because I envy your gimmicky chair?
We're just picturing @Antsballwasher happy on his Warhammer chair, trying to enjoy the comfort on the balcony of the cheapest "luxury" hotel in the shittiest war-torn South American republic a $150 budget can stretch out whilst eating gauche, mass-produced food only fat wops could possibly enjoy or find remotely edible yet inwardly frustrated at the idea of being verbally outgrappled by another forum simpleton whilst not being able to hit the enter key 19 times like he does on every other awkward rage post.


the whole scenario has us giggling like......well, you know
