I'm so sorry, Honey Badger.



Also have you received your summons yet?


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
"That version of me exists only in their diseased little minds".. See, Pat, it's stuff like that why I'll keep making fun of you.
These comments really fucking annoying me. He talks out of one side of his DISGUSTING TOO-BIG mouth about how his stalkers pick over every detail of his life and then the other side of his GROTESQUE DOUBLE-SIZE mouth about how all of it is made up.

No! No, Rick! It can’t be both. Just because only a select few of the protestors have been in your presence it doesn’t mean that the atalkers’ opinions of you are all based in fantasy.

More succinctly: He’s never met Trump but feels entitled to an opinion. It’s not very different with Pat and his anti-fan club.