Insane shit people got away with as kids/teens.

Racist Google Intern

I'm not really racist, my best friend is black
When I was a lil youngun, there was a kid named Darnell, he was an average kid never hassled anyone just played basketball at lunch with a few friends.
Then one day a house a block from the middle school burned down, and he was sweating like a whore in church when the principle was looking for info about it. I found out after class he liked to play with matches and he accidently set a bush on fire on the walk to school, no one ratted him out and he got away with full blown arson at 11.
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Chased some kids down the road with a sledgehammer as a old school village policeman on a bike came around the corner. He told us to stop being silly. These days I would probably get tased.

We had a village policeman who everyone knew the name of like it was a children's character. I still know it now and they probably got rid of that bizarre job 20+ years ago

Danny's Mick Footster

Flavia doo doo
Shooting Roman candles at a fuel shed in the middle of a field, started dead grass on fire. We eventually stamped it out before it got out of control, but looking back it's hard not to shutter at the idea of trying to put out a fire while 200 gallons of gas and 200 gallons of off road diesel are in arms reach.


Shock Jock
One time in high school I was driving my friends somewhere and we went through a hardcore black neighborhood. My asshole friend stuck his head out the window and yelled nigger at the top of his lungs. The only person I saw at the moment was a black kid riding a bike (stolen obviously) and he stopped on a dime and his jaw dropped to the floor. I floored through about 27 red lights until we were out of the hood.