Sad Old Fag


Still spreading the O&A virus
Tons of actors have never even seen their own movies.
The Talking Sopranos Podcast was literally those two idiots misremembering every single aspect of a show that they spent a decade working on. Most actors just show up, play make believe, then leave. They don't know anything about the movies or shows.

Then these faggot come to them at Comic-Con and ask "what temperatures do lightsabers operate best at?". Like they would know you nerdy faggot. "Hey Christopher....where do I go to sign up for the mafia?".
Tons of actors have never even seen their own movies.

I started "re-mastering" movies on my PC, using AI and various tricks, about four years ago. Then I noticed something:

It made me hate the movies.

Basically, it took as much as a month to complete the re-mastering process, back in 2019. And by the 2nd week, I was just D-O-N-E. Like, I never wanted to see the movies again for as long as I live.

Boogie Nights is the first movie I re-mastered. I'm kinda obsessed with the movie. Or I should say, I was obsessed with the movie. After toiling on it for a couple of weeks, I wanted nothing to do with it. Never finished working on it. Haven't seen the movie in the last five years. Used to watch it 3-4x a year.

And that was after a few *weeks* of working on it; if I was an actor who'd worked on some movie for 40 hours a week for YEARS, it would take all of my willpower not to quit.

The idea that Harrison Ford would spend a single minute thinking about Star Wars is just silly; the people who work at McDonalds don't go home and think about Big Macs.
Your AI remaster looks like shit.