They Are Trying To Kill Us

what is this retard even talking about? Does he think Bleach and Ammonia mixed make something deadly? He's probably thinking Bleach an Ammonia, which is mustard gas. Also you're adding them on separate cycles you dumb dildo so they don't even interact.
I’m sure you meant vinegar and yes he apparently believes that. He’s been on the Science channel, you know.
Holy fuck. I'm sure that this has been posted way, way back, but I finally got around to googling that doofy shirt. It's from a film about black and brown people dying... by not adhering to a plan-based lifestyle? I think? I mean, I'm not going to watch it, admittedly, so I'm speaking from a position of ignorance, but, is this just another vegan propaganda film, but trying to extend their rhetoric to claim that the meat and dairy industry is being used as a weapon of genocide?

Edit: Again, didn't watch it, but tell me that this isn't bordering on being sorta racist. Other people fucking love fried chicken, too. I mean, the (likely) vegans who made this don't, so they don't know that.



Stand Alone Fruit
Holy fuck. I'm sure that this has been posted way, way back, but I finally got around to googling that doofy shirt. It's from a film about black and brown people dying... by not adhering to a plan-based lifestyle? I think? I mean, I'm not going to watch it, admittedly, so I'm speaking from a position of ignorance, but, is this just another vegan propaganda film, but trying to extend their rhetoric to claim that the meat and dairy industry is being used as a weapon of genocide?

Edit: Again, didn't watch it, but tell me that this isn't bordering on being sorta racist. Other people fucking love fried chicken, too. I mean, the (likely) vegans who made this don't, so they don't know that.

I think it’s that and how ghetto areas don’t have grocery stores because too many people steal / other crimes and that’s white peoples fault or something because the major chains don’t want to open a place that will get robbed often so they eat whatever junk is at the corner stores. To some it up - it’s white peoples fault black people eat like shit.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
what is this retard even talking about? Does he think Bleach and vinegar (edit) mixed make something deadly? He's probably thinking Bleach an Ammonia, which is mustard gas. Also you're adding them on separate cycles you dumb dildo so they don't even interact.
Thats exactly what happened. He is such an idiot.

This may come as a surprise but he failed chemistry senior year


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I took chemistry in the 10th grade, what a retard
Senior year should be a cake walk of classes. Aside from Civics/Econ it should have been mostly electives if he would have passed the required classes the first time. I only had 5 classes my senior year because I had all my credits and went to summer school to get ahead. They were all easy electives and PE. Pat had a full schedule of serious requirement classes and still failed chem and physics. Obviously Pat didnt walk graduation with his class and had to go to summer and night school before they would send him his diploma months late.

Barney Gumble

She looked like such a stupid twat walking around in that "ThEy aRe TrYiNg tO KiLL uS" hoodie. It was right around the time of covid, too, so I guarantee her stupid fucking message of trying to promote a food documentary or whatever the fuck retarded shit that was-was completely lost on nearly every single person who saw her because they just assumed she was talking about covid/vaccines.
I think it’s that and how ghetto areas don’t have grocery stores because too many people steal / other crimes and that’s white peoples fault or something because the major chains don’t want to open a place that will get robbed often so they eat whatever junk is at the corner stores. To some it up - it’s white peoples fault black people eat like shit.
Once I saw food (I initially thought "cops"), I figured that's what it could have been. And there is some merit in that - the availability of fresh, healthy food, what social benefits may not cover, etc. But then it - again, by the second-by-second citations - veers into plant-based lifestyle shit. Which, again, fine. It's the mash-mash of ideas where things get weird. Kinda like when Law and Order went too 'tard on the "ripped from the headlines" tack and had Paula Deen shooting Trayvon Martin.

I may have to watch this thing as else risk being too Pat-like, going off on something that I barely scraped the surface of.