
Its always in news how great Nigger students and other kids do so good in those charter schools, my ex did that shit, i looked over her kids grades during year and they never passed anything, they were lucky to get a 70 out of everything but somehow end of school year they passed with 80+ grades
There's so many niggers I went to school with that were mindless apes and got bumped through High School. Never did any work, just sat in the back of the class and talked shit about everyone. Nigger teachers would never do anything about it. I can't imagine how bad it is now.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
There's so many niggers I went to school with that were mindless apes and got bumped through High School. Never did any work, just sat in the back of the class and talked shit about everyone. Nigger teachers would never do anything about it. I can't imagine how bad it is now.
Can only imagine, i lucked out of 1200 kids in our school maybe only three darkies


Men who identify as women are no different than men who identify as Napoleon. It's just shared mental illness, and it's only treated respectfully because they managed to hitch their wagons to gay and lesbian acceptance somehow.

The only good that's come of all this is getting to watch tranny athletes utterly destroy female competitors.


This guy raped a bunch of children but at least he's not a Nazi!



It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Yeah, how was it she was on that page? And how'd they get pics of her daughter? From Facebook posts? Or some photo shoot where she was hoping her kid would be the next child star?
She wasn't perusing sex dolls. A friend pointed her to the item, which meant that the friend was likely browsing child sex dolls lol.

The picture was taken from the mom's FB, which she then made private. It was just like a picture of her daughter sitting on the couch with a plush animal. Not sexual at all.

I am sure that the Chinese probably have some sort of bot that scans social media looking for public pictures of children or something.


Everyone is failing this child and father: Schools, doctors, 'therapists', courts.

Thanks, Jews!
Million dollars in legal defense that came from the public to support him, while ape lives matter gets billions.

Of course the Jewdiciary system is doing everything it can to castrate his White child.

He even says legalized pedophilia is coming next.



This poor fucking bastard. I've followed this guy's case for a few years now. I don't know how he hasn't strangled this vile sadistic cunt to death yet.
This is why it's important to have lots of kids. You could do everything right but your kid might still get cancer or hit by a car or in this poor kid's case, turned into a tranny.