Where we at with fighting your old man?

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.


I was afraid of my dad until well into my early 20s, partly because he killed Irish and Argentinian nationalists before I was born and partly because he never tried to be my friend when I was a kid. In fact, we never had a conversation as equals until I moved out and started making my own money. Then his entire demeanour changed. We get on like a house on fire now. Old dude is based af.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I was afraid of my dad until well into my early 20s, partly because he killed Irish and Argentinian nationalists before I was born and partly because he never tried to be my friend when I was a kid. In fact, we never had a conversation as equals until I moved out and started making my own money. Then his entire demeanour changed. We get on like a house on fire now. Old dude is based af.
Good dad right there. Your parents aren’t supposed to be your fucking friends. They’re there to guide you. Once their job is over then you can be friends.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
My old man was an actual Rambo type. 6'4", Green Beret for 3 years in Vietnam and selected to guard Hitler's #2, Rudolf Hess, because he was so big and it would look good against the Russian guards. The man was a diagnosed sociopath, was horrifically abusive to me and my mom, and I still treated him decently when he got dementia and his mind turned to soup. His fucking mirrors were painted over by my shit-head half-sister because he kept talking to him.


Not on welfare
I was afraid of my dad until well into my early 20s, partly because he killed Irish and Argentinian nationalists before I was born and partly because he never tried to be my friend when I was a kid. In fact, we never had a conversation as equals until I moved out and started making my own money. Then his entire demeanour changed. We get on like a house on fire now. Old dude is based af.
You hang with them long enough, you understand them better. Doesn't mean you're a facsimile

Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
I was once being a faggot and he threw a basketball in my face

I was on this awful baseball team and was forced to pitch for the first time. We were practicing and I was sucking, because I sucked and he got so pissed he chucked the ball at me as hard as he could. I sorta put my glove out without looking and magically caught it avoiding what would have fucked me up real bad.

Years later I spat on him in the snow.

We often discuss whether weather exists in our respective locales.