WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?


Still spreading the O&A virus
You should send this to a tv place where tv people can talk about it. I’m not being sarcastic I just don’t really understand the internet.
If you talk about TV shows anywhere on the internet you will get bombarded by fag worshipers of the show you are talking about. Or they will 'moderate' all talk at like a China censorship level. Literally every single web forum is nothing but one autistic reddit tier fag fan shouting at another mouthbreathing maniac who also worships the show like it is the word of God. It gets to the point where the fanboys get one forum and the critics have another forum. Because sensible debate is impossible.

Look at how dumb the Sopranos fanbase is. They literally are only capable of quoting the show at each other. No more conversation. Just idiots spewing random quotes from random characters. And these are the fags that David Chase wrote Many Niggers of Newark for.


Whispers of Greatness
Man, you guys are some bitter cunts. I fucking loved last night’s episode and I enjoyed most of part 1 of this season - including the dumb boxing scene.

You’re right that it’s an artsy BB circlejerk. Peter Gould loves his own shit fumes, there are plenty of dumb plot conveniences (just like BB) and the aging of the actors is almost CGI DeNiro-level. I still think it’s impressively made and better than watching Millie Bobby Brown fight monsters with 80s jokes.


It is the poor writing. The actors are overacting because this is how modern acting is done. When someone gets shot in front of you, instead of going into shock, you scream at the top of your lungs and make contorted faces because how else are the mouthbreathers on reddit going to understand anything? This is how Breaking Bad was as well. With Skylar standing in the street screaming "WAAAAAAAAALT" over and over again because pathetic poor acting like this gets all of the Emmy awards. The acting in BB and BCS is written for morons. No subtlety.

Remember the Whitecaps fights in Sopranos? "He made me feel like I mattered". They are emotional but not over the top. They are arguing like an actual couple destroying a twenty year marriage would argue. Same thing with Christopher being on drugs and yelling to Adriana about Tony. "Fuck this piece of shit I'm done......cost him a dollar you're a fucking pariah". As opposed to Aaron Paul screaming at the top of his lungs "HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!!".

Rhea Seehorn being 50 but playing like a 28-year-old fresh out of law school hottie is also part of the bad acting. The actress plays the character like she is 50. Same with Odenkirk who plays Saul like BCS takes place after BB and he is older with all of his BB experiences.
Whitecaps is so fucking well done. The realism in the fights make it so much more rough to watch.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Man, you guys are some bitter cunts. I fucking loved last night’s episode and I enjoyed most of part 1 of this season - including the dumb boxing scene.

You’re right that it’s an artsy BB circlejerk. Peter Gould loves his own shit fumes, there are plenty of dumb plot conveniences (just like BB) and the aging of the actors is almost CGI DeNiro-level. I still think it’s impressively made and better than watching Millie Bobby Brown fight monsters with 80s jokes.
The show is written for idiots like you. You literally took your mediocre show and said "well hey it's better than a crap teen Netflix show" like anyone cares. Nor did anyone bring up Stranger Things. Of course BCS is better than goofy teenage 80s horror shows. BCS is at least made for adults. Try comparing BCS to shows like Sopranos or Boardwalk Empire or even The Wire or Shield, OZ, or like The Pacific or Generation Kill, or The Terror.

BCS and BB are all about random coincidences and terrible writing and plotting. And the acting is dreadful. The acting is basically who can scream the loudest. I have never seen so much screaming in my life. "Wow Walt let Jane die and now planes are crashing!!!!". "Hank going into the desert with no backup was genius!!!!". "Oh dude everyone got shot but Todd.....now Jesse can revenge kill him!!!". The show is written for big 'soy face' moments so reddit fags can make reaction videos to the terrible writing.

Look at how stupid Lalo's death was. He gave Gus a million opportunities to kill him. And what happens to Gus if he does not get lead into the laundry basement to the EXACT spot where he left a gun and loose wire? Lalo smuggles himself into the laundry at the EXACT moment a guard takes a piss break. Lalo shoots and kills EXACTLY the bodyguards of Gus without them firing on him or hitting Gus. Horror movies have more believable kills.


Whispers of Greatness
The show is written for idiots like you. You literally took your mediocre show and said "well hey it's better than a crap teen Netflix show" like anyone cares. Nor did anyone bring up Stranger Things. Of course BCS is better than goofy teenage 80s horror shows. BCS is at least made for adults. Try comparing BCS to shows like Sopranos or Boardwalk Empire or even The Wire or Shield, OZ, or like The Pacific or Generation Kill, or The Terror.
Congratulations, your favorite shows are the ones that everyone already agrees are the best. You must be one of the smart viewers.

I’m not comparing this shit to The Wire. I’m comparing it to everything else on TV right now, and I think it’s a solid show. As far as plot contrivances go, it has as much as or less than most shows and movies out there. I found Breaking Bad far more ridiculous and unbelievable. (I’ve bitched about all that in the other BCS thread.) But I guess I should spend the rest of my life rewatching Pine Barrens and quoting Paulie Walnuts because everything else is for soy boys.

And Boardwalk Empire was decent at best. Kelly Macdonald was an insufferable bore and Michael Pitt has the lips of a sex doll.


I will say this about BCS. It isnt PC trash. The most sympathetic, morally outstanding character was a rich white guy. And he was killed by a spic.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Were they trying to retroactively change who the "two bodies found in the lab" in S5 of Breaking Bad? Was that the point of this episode? I can't tell. It seemed over long.

Anyway, I laughed out loud when SuperLalo was only visible on the CCTV when the guy went to take a piss. This show is shit.

And I didn't know kicking an industrial power connector causes it to spark and unplug. As you can see they're so flimsy. This show is shit.



Still spreading the O&A virus
Congratulations, your favorite shows are the ones that everyone already agrees are the best. You must be one of the smart viewers.
Yes let's all be hipster fags who unironically like inferior mass consumer garbage. We can watch Breaking Bad and Super Hero Movie and Nigger Female James Bond. Smart viewers do not watch mediocre trash over and over. I could not imagine watching something like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad more than once after knowing the ending.

And people shit all over the end of The Sopranos when it first came out. Literally everyone hated it. It took years before people realized that the ending had something more to it than "family eats onion rings....cut to black".


Whispers of Greatness
Yes let's all be hipster fags who unironically like inferior mass consumer garbage. We can watch Breaking Bad and Super Hero Movie and Nigger Female James Bond. Smart viewers do not watch mediocre trash over and over.
You know who thinks like you? Guys like Cumia and Bob Levy: stale, boring old fucks who only watch and reference things that are familiar and comfy. And don’t assume I like Marvel or Nig-Feminist Bond (neither of those would be “hipster” btw). I get just as depressed as you do when I see upcoming movie trailers. But I don’t act like I’m too good for everything that wasn’t made by Scorsese.
And people shit all over the end of The Sopranos when it first came out. Literally everyone hated it. It took years before people realized that the ending had something more to it than "family eats onion rings....cut to black".
But you appreciated it right away, didn’t you? Not like those other idiots. I guess what I’m getting at here is, fuck you. You’re not smart enough to be a TV snob.
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Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Try comparing BCS to shows like Sopranos or Boardwalk Empire or even The Wire or Shield, OZ, or like The Pacific or Generation Kill, or The Terror.
I enjoy its entertainment value and I've watched it multiple times but OZ is campy, goofy, and never took itself that seriously. It may've been the first, but it doesn't belong in a listing of shows as good as those others.

For the record, I like BB and BCS. I've watched BB multiple times as well, but with BCS, I don't see myself ever rewatching it.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I enjoy its entertainment value and I've watched it multiple times but OZ is campy, goofy, and never took itself that seriously. It may've been the first, but it doesn't belong in a listing of shows as good as those others.
Well yeah OZ is a comedy. It is not a serious show. It is a remake of various soap opera and prison movies. They even remade the musical scenes of soap operas and sitcoms. It is meant to be a stupid parody of the standard prison movies like Shawshank or Escape from Alcatraz. OZ is like Scary Movie or Naked Gun but done in a violent and horrifically dark way that almost no parody would actual do.


Yes but Walt and Jesse are also pieces of shit and the fans still worship them. They will likely get away in the end. And reddit will rejoice.
So what DO you like from this show? Not antagonistic question, I have agreed with everything uve said.

Actually the only thing I disagree with is that breaking bad could get away with corny shit and cheap writing because it was all so ridiculous and actiony. But BCS tries to be serious yet still has the same flaws.


Keyboard Warrior
Actually the only thing I disagree with is that breaking bad could get away with corny shit and cheap writing because it was all so ridiculous and actiony. But BCS tries to be serious yet still has the same flaws.
I think you're on to something here.

BB became popular. Had it just been a cult underground sort of show, it would have been very fun, even with the coincidences and corny acting. But because it became popular, the fans expected "holy shit moments" and the writers would then try to deliver.

BCS is just fucking pretentious and the showrunners knew that because it was standing on the shoulders of BB it could really do no wrong.

Comparing to other TV on now it's very good, but that's not a high bar. I thought the first half of this week's episode was just horrible. Lalo "tricks" Jimmy into believing things are his idea and Gus figures that out after two words with Kim. And doesn't tell Mike. It's so forced, but then the cinematography is so creative trying to trick the viewer into thinking they're watching something better than it is. Hey look, the camera rig is attached to the chair. What a neat shot!

Watching BCS is like going to Red Lobster. The rubes think it's 'upscale'.