WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
This pretentious bullshit was drawn out for waaaay too long. I wish Breaking Bad was shittier so that this never existed. The elements of the show that would allow it to have its own identity were always stupidly and insultingly coincidental. Very few things felt natural and organic ever for this show. Every plot line a shoehorn.

Kim and Saul never had any chemistry whatsoever. Worst love interest of all time.

And then when we get to the last season, it resolves the "Gene" storyline (who the fuck cares) in a last episode scene that happens in a courtroom which Seinfeld's last episode courtroom scene would call "amateur". We already know what's gonna happen you idiotic fucks, there's no need for more "coincidences" to happen in the name of plot advancement or, even worse, fan service. Lalo was a great character though, so of course he had to die.

Thankfully and mercifully, it's over.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
Jimmy/Saul must be one the most retarded characters ever. What a fool!
Ok Saul, you got yourself a deal to serve 7 years at a prison of your choosing for being the consigliere of a massive meth dealing organization responsible for hundreds of deaths including children and federal agents. Literally a record breaking plea deal. And you don’t have to snitch on anybody, burn any of your friends or hurt anybody in any conceivable way. Every single person who could possibly want you dead is no longer alive. And not taking this deal will not benefit anybody in the world any way whatsoever!

“I’m gonna do da right thing!”


Still spreading the O&A virus
Lalo was a great character though, so of course he had to die.
It was prequel. And in the BB timeline it was established after Tuco and the Twins died that only Hector was left of the Salamancas. So we knew that Lalo was absolutely going to die. There was no suspense. And so were Chuck, Howard, Nacho, and most people predicted Kim would die. Because they were never once referenced in BB outside of Jimmy referencing Nacho and Lalo quickly. So them being dead would make the most sense.

Lalo was great. Until he magically started teleporting from Mexico to Germany to ABQ. And instead of shooting Gus just stood there like a retard and let Gus live long enough to get a gun a kill him. Like those morons Bond villains that just stare at James Bond and babble rather than take the final shot.
Jimmy/Saul must be one the most retarded characters ever. What a fool!
He is likely one of the worst written protagonists on a potentially classic show. Sopranos was so much better with romance storylines going south. Like Christopher and Adriana is a million times better of a story than Jimmy and Kim. Not even close. When Adriana realizes that Christopher gave her up and Silvio whacks her it was brutal. And done in a way where the audience is just as surprised as Adriana.

And her death looms over the entire show for rest of nearly every episode. Carmela's nightmare about her where the French cop says "you're friend.....someone needs to tell her she's dead" was amazing for such a short sequence in how much it said about Carmela. Where later she throws away the business cards of the detective for some real estate guy.

Imagine if Christopher not only worked with the FBI for Adriana but voluntarily said he wanted to be jailed so that Adriana could pursue her career as a music manager for Defiler. "Nah give me 90 years in jail......STAY OUT OF OUR WAY AND DON'T BE SO GAY!!". Jimmy and Kim had no chemistry. They had no kids even. The only thing they ever bonded over was messing with Howard.


also Ray Wilson
"We're giving you the harshest possible sentence of a million years in prison. It's either that or take the offer of 30 years."

"What if I go to trial and say it was because the murderous drug dealer made me do it?"

*panic* "Uh, uh, let's cut a deal where you get everything you want!"

That's our Saul!


"We're giving you the harshest possible sentence of a million years in prison. It's either that or take the offer of 30 years."

"What if I go to trial and say it was because the murderous drug dealer made me do it?"

*panic* "Uh, uh, let's cut a deal where you get everything you want!"

That's our Saul!

And he still fucked it up, and for what? To clear Kim of any charges? She had nothing to do with Saul’s actions during the timeline of Breaking Bad. It just doesn’t make any sense. He grew a guilty conscience all of a sudden?


And he still fucked it up, and for what? To clear Kim of any charges? She had nothing to do with Saul’s actions during the timeline of Breaking Bad. It just doesn’t make any sense. He grew a guilty conscience all of a sudden?
What if what we have been watching this whole time was him reflecting on his past???? BRAVO VINCE 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿


What if what we have been watching this whole time was him reflecting on his past???? BRAVO VINCE 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

Maybe the complexity of Vince’s writing is too much for a simple country boy like me to understand. Vince is a visionary!
