Wwawd shitting in toilets

i shit myself in bed thinking i just had to fart a while back. never looked at the diaper posters on here as a bit after that but instead a public service. i could've gone right back to sleep if i had worn a diaper.
I've had some close calls lately due to my drinking. Sometimes you can't tell if it's just a harmless bubble in your buttcheeks or a little ladyfinger of shit. The relief when it pops is palpable.
WWAWD hovering over the toilet aka skiing? I believe most women do this. I would think it increases the likelihood of spraying shit all over.
Is this more proof that women are filthy animals who shouldn’t be allowed to own property?


Blackface Killah
WWAWD ADA height toilets? I thought it would be nice to be perched high up like a gargoyle (a la Costanza) but it actually fucks up my alignment. Knees up is way better.


May St. Mel bless you
I shit in the tub and stomp the turds down the drain, just like Andre the Giant. I want to be big and strong like him!