23 and me

One of my dad's cousins, who I have never met and didn't even know about, traced the male line on my dad's side back to the 1600s

I know my grandma is 100% Italian but I guess beyond her parents it's tricker although I know they have looked into it same with my grandfather's line

I am not sure what a 23 and me type test could tell me that's better than census records. I know the jobs they had going back hundreds of years in my dad's side.

I guess for people from war torn countries it immigrants like Americans there's something if they are completely clueless about their history


according to my mum, I'm british, irish, and german. I'm sure there's a load of other random shite mixed in, but I don't care if I'm 0.2% spanish or whatever. funny story, my mother threatened to divorce my dad when he jokingly mentioned having a black cousin. she was serious, too, until he insisted he was just taking the piss. they were married for 5 years by that point
according to my mum, I'm british, irish, and german. I'm sure there's a load of other random shite mixed in, but I don't care if I'm 0.2% spanish or whatever. funny story, my mother threatened to divorce my dad when he jokingly mentioned having a black cousin. she was serious, too, until he insisted he was just taking the piss. they were married for 5 years by that point
Your mother is a retard. A black cousin would be because the blood relative had a kid with a black person. Your dad should have slapped sense into her
you're okay with race mixing and have the audacity to call my mother retarded
Because she is. Who cares what some cousin is. You can go your whole life without seeing them and in one or two generations they are essentially complete strangers

So yes. Mother is a dumb dumb


Because she is. Who cares what some cousin is. You can go your whole life without seeing them and in one or two generations they are essentially complete strangers

So yes. Mother is a dumb dumb
the whole point of that anecdote was how funny it is that my mother was behaving so ignorantly and irrationally, then you come in acting like a professor for making that obvious observation. you are such a daft cunt lmao
the whole point of that anecdote was how funny it is that my mother was behaving so ignorantly and irrationally, then you come in acting like a professor for making that obvious observation. you are such a daft cunt lmao
I am sorry. I just couldn't help pointing out you came out of a thick as shit woman
Only time you should willingly give your DNA away is in a paternity test or to prove you did not commit a crime.
What if you have a uncle you suspected of crimes that you didn't like and this was a chance to get him caught? That's quite a funny bit when that happens