"Denouncement, Patrick Tomlinson and Me." A Pity Me Paul Patreon Post


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Lmao even creepy losers like Paul know that Piggy is an abrasive shithead:


Stand Alone Fruit
Remember when Paul "OG dirty diaper fiend" Weimer stubbed his toe and rode around in a wheelchair with a camera hidden on his foot so he could take upskirt photos at schools?
He tried to get them for workers comp and they told him to fuck off since his “injury” happened at an off hours work event where he took pictures.


Life of my story
"I believe in being loyal and true to one's friends."

Who the fuck talks like that?

"Is Patrick aggressive and abrasive and gives no fraks? Yes, yes he does."

Of the infinite ways to convey what's attempted here, this would be the very worst choice possible. Nice writing, stupiT. Nice fraks, stupiT.

"His Way is not My Way"

You know what dude, you're so schmarmy...

We all know what Your Way is, Paul. Enjoy eating your own jizz. That isn't even the most heinous thing about you.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
He's right that Pat doesn't give a fuck.
Unless it inconveniences fatty, he couldn't give a shit.
Paul was useful back then as a weapon for the DCMA.
Paul is currently useful to fatty as his "friend with suicidal ideation who these stalkers also prey on." pity card to play to the media/anyone who will listen.
Paul is happy to be in the same room as anyone who doesn't think he is an abomination.
Pat has main character syndrome wherever he goes, It's not that he's disgusted with Paul, he doesnt even register.
So their dynamic works.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
"Friends" means fellowship. Has Pat ever called you, Paul? Initiated a hang-out? Tagged you in a post that he thought might interest you? Checked in on you to see how you are doing? Encouraged you, or your writing?

Friendship is a two-way road, where one gives as much as they receive. It means you got my back, just as much as I got your back.

Pat has been a far, far better friend to Jackson Jones and Dominic Franchetti than he ever has to you, Paul.