Is this a turning point in American history?

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
I think, with all this overbearing consolidation and technology-assisted control, we're gonna see a lot fewer cool explosive turning points and a lot more gradually near-imperceptibly increasing mediocrity.
I think Obama + Trump put into perspective Bush was just another bad President, not some unique evil. A war in the Middle East isn’t unprecedented, nor is one started on bullshit. A financial recession isn’t unprecedented. The NSA and the TSA? Like civil liberties weren’t already on the decline. And the fact that Obama kept all that shit and even ramped some of it up made people realize some of the shit they were criticizing Bush for was inherent to the state.
it's not that deep. it was and always is group think.
"republican bad"
so hitler, war is bad, my freedoms, 1984 for real this time, etc. then a liberal takes office and no one cares. the only thing exposed if you're not a tomlinson or cumia brained retard is group think that happens time and time again. if you want to use republicans as an example, then no one gave a shit about increased spending during bush, then obama happens and you get the tea party and suddenly everyone cares about the deficit.

right now a lot of the right is thought of as russian useful idiots at best or grifters at worst. but that's not a far cry from when people (libs) protested against the vietnam war and you had the red scare.

at the end of the fawking day you have real ones, left or right, who have actual principles they stick to and ignore all this noise and then you have cows who get herded into the group think of the moment for whatever broad party politics they loosely align with. i was hate listening to tim pool a week or whatever ago when they had dennis kucinish on. tim did his "yo i'm a chicago liberal and i'd be called a republican now even though i'm actually a liberal! so would you!" and kucinich sat there thinking "who gives a fuck faggot?"