Leslie is out of control.

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Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I'm actually kinda relieved by this turn of events, as strange as it may sound. At first it really seemed Leslie had lost her marbles and was spiralling into a depression, lashing out at phantoms. That thought kinda bummed me out.

Then it turned out creepazoid here was actually harassing her and it obviously disgusted me, but I couldn't help but laugh when it became apparent just how humiliating it was for him. Leslie turned the tables and beat his ass like a drum, calling him a fucking dirty man-slut while posting more embarrassing chat exchanges. I hope she was laughing as hard as we were as the pages piled up. She understands da fawkin craft. She took an awful, terrible thing in her life and turned it into something funny.


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
I'm actually kinda relieved by this turn of events, as strange as it may sound. At first it really seemed Leslie had lost her marbles and was spiralling into a depression, lashing out at phantoms. That thought kinda bummed me out.

Then it turned out creepazoid here was actually harassing her and it obviously disgusted me, but I couldn't help but laugh when it became apparent just how humiliating it was for him. Leslie turned the tables and beat his ass like a drum, calling him a fucking dirty man-slut while posting more embarrassing chat exchanges. I hope she was laughing as hard as we were as the pages piled up. She understands da fawkin craft. She took an awful, terrible thing in her life and turned it into something funny.
I straight up thought she started hitting the bottle hard. But yeah, she was just legitimately being creeped on and was understandably flustered and freaked out by it. It kinda bugs me that she's been publicly saying that we're actually mostly decent people and then one of us (gooble gobble) does this.


This is some scary shit man. Just this dudes psychology. He’s so porn brained and lonely and wrapped up in this place the only reason he was attracted to Leslie was her connection and shitting on Pat. Very lonely and sad human. Above all else a weirdo too. Keep your head on a fawkin swivel.
"Just this dude's"

it's all of them...all. You included.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I'm not a fan of Leslie ( she blocked me way back when all of this started for unknown reasons, and I am incredibly petty ).

However, I will say that she did not deserve this. Above all, she has proven to be a classy lady, and you don't repay class with crass.

I feel for the dude, as obviously he's going through something that's obviously having an adverse effect on him mentally. In all likelihood, his mother's death fucked with him way more than he was willing to admit. He has my sympathies , but man, harassing someone else who has been nothing but class towards us is NOT how you cope
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