One of Pig’s Worst Ever Moments


Didn’T LisTen
The nerve of this fat-titted deadbeat to look down his snout at a guy because he’s a waiter. A guy who’s in his daughter’s life. I’ve said it before, but Pig really deserves every bit of this.

We’re God’s will.

I hope no one reaches out to Roland to let him know that Pig now has to scrub strangers’ shit streaks from his toilet bowl to make ends meet.

Detestable fat faggot.




Joe's Filipino Supervisor
The nerve of this fat-titted deadbeat to look down his snout at a guy because he’s a waiter. A guy who’s in his daughter’s life. I’ve said it before, but Pig really deserves every bit of this.

We’re God’s will.

I hope no one reaches out to Roland to let him know that Pig now has to scrub strangers’ shit streaks from his toilet bowl to make ends meet.

Detestable fat faggot.

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What a garbage human, if ever you feel sorry for this sad sack of shit, just look at this.


And on the strip nonetheless. The guy probably makes $200 on a Monday night. Fat is exhausting his wife's trust fund, using PPP loans and other scams, and renting his hovel to niggers for the weekend.
Even if he made $75 on a Monday night, what kind of person belittles someone working an honest job - any job that's strenuous, service-oriented, whatever - that puts food on the table? That's the hallmark of a bad person. He exhibits an extensive variety of hallmarks like this. He's a fucking terrible person.


Stand Alone Fruit
Even if he made $75 on a Monday night, what kind of person belittles someone working an honest job - any job that's strenuous, service-oriented, whatever - that puts food on the table? That's the hallmark of a bad person. He exhibits an extensive variety of hallmarks like this. He's a fucking terrible person.
It also shows how stupid he is - he doesn’t understand that there are people that work in that service that DO make a good living. He thinks all servers are poor and are only doing it because they can’t do anything else. Vegas server at a steakhouse on the strip is much different than some waiters at some local dump.

goo gobbler

Boq Discord J
A waiter at a LV steakhouse makes more in tips on a Friday night than Pat has made in royalties his whole career. Also:

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pat's embarrassing display of ignorance here always makes me physically uncomfortable. he really thought he had an own there while exposing himself as a complete retard. should have consulted with kyle before that tweet.