Pat watches a cartoon

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.



44 year old man with estranged daughter has time to spend "hours" watching a kids book cartoon. This looks like something shown in a first grade classroom. What a cunt.



Seriously. Imagine for a minute how she'll feel when she finds posts like this of his. "You chose to reject having anything to do with me in favour of this? Watching kids shows and tweeting nonstop rather than being a part of my life?"

What a cunt.
Seriously. Imagine for a minute how she'll feel when she finds posts like this of his. "You chose to reject having anything to do with me in favour of this? Watching kids shows and tweeting nonstop rather than being a part of my life?"

What a cunt.
Poor girl looks exactly like him lol...what a trip thats going to be for her when she finds Ricks story online


Imagine Rick trying to read Cormac McCarthy, D.F. Wallace, Pynchon, DeLillo, or Jon Franzen.

Name more authors.
You got a masters degree in english and instead of getting a cushy tenured gig, you dissertate the life of an eritrean goat shit salesman on a xenforo message board…..All those AP and IB classes paid off! (Unlike your crippling student loans)


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Imagine Rick trying to read Cormac McCarthy, D.F. Wallace, Pynchon, DeLillo, or Jon Franzen.

Any modern American male novelist. His lil porcine brain would explode. Too many words, child. Enjoy Drumph, stlaker.
With my last goodreads account I made sure to review books by CM, Pynchon and DeLillo before I eventually reviewed some of Patso’s garbage just to provide context of how awful he really is. Still got banned within three days though despite writing legitimate reviews.