Piggy oinking nonsense about cops


Stand Alone Fruit
I don’t know how you can be an adult and believe that. It’d be one thing if he grew up in Greenwich Connecticut or Aspen Colorado. But he lives in Milwaukee…..what race does he think the Kia boys were? Or the “youths” that took his phone?
Or the guy that ran down all those white people in an SUV during a Christmas parade. That was not far from him.
Niggers won't snitch on each other, white liberals won't report nigger crime, and whites are too afraid of nigger retaliation if they report nigger crime:




Stand Alone Fruit
Niggers won't snitch on each other, white liberals won't report nigger crime, and whites are too afraid of nigger retaliation if they report nigger crime:

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Wasn’t there a guy that got murdered in NY and his girlfriend wouldn’t give details and the murderer because he was black and it’s not his fault but societies why he killed her boyfriend. White guilt is a hell of a drug.
Wasn’t there a guy that got murdered in NY and his girlfriend wouldn’t give details and the murderer because he was black and it’s not his fault but societies why he killed her boyfriend. White guilt is a hell of a drug.

Yes, they were both pro-nigger "social justice advocates" and she purposely wouldn't identify the nigger who stabbed her boyfriend right in front of her in order to make prosecuting him more difficult for law enforcement.

I think it would be unfortunate if the people replying to him saw the video where he swings at the black cop and is treated with kid gloves. I was thinking he could bring up "I've been SWATTed 10,000 times and nothing has happened to me!" but that means his entire lawsuit is a joke.
The audio of him squealing at the top of his lungs and waking up his entire neighborhood at 1am while the cops remained perfectly calm is even better.


and her hair smells like red froot loops
How does he expect stuff like this and his other ACAB twitter greatest hits (cops train horses to trample black people!) to help his lawsuit?

He loves to accuse the police of ridiculous bullshit publicly and proudly, while simultaneously demanding the legal system take his accusations against the police seriously. The dopamine rush of 3 ❤️s on twitter is more important than the multi-million dollar lawsuit. Which if you lose, plunges you into even greater debt.

I've never seen anyone with just zero foresight and zero awareness of potential consequences for the shit he spouts on social media, except for Ooga. Even then Ooga just got a plane ticket home, TSA didn't hit him with a six-figure bill for wasting everyone's time.