The chairs: False flag or nah

False flag operation?

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Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Was the Anonymous video filmed in Pat's living room? I don't know but it's worth looking in to.
As per the new rules of Boomia forums I feel I should clarify, I was not implying that you, the reader, should go and look into Patrick S Tomlinson's living room without his expressed permission, rather that the idea that it was filmed in his living room should be thought about when dealing with the subject presented in the thread title. Further more, I should explain that this post is meant in jest.

If you have been affected by any of the issues presented in this post, do not hesitate to contact me at my private email address of [email protected]

Edit 1:
As per the new rules of Boomia forums I feel I should clarify, I was not implying that you, the reader, should go and look into Patrick S Tomlinson's living room without his expressed permission, rather that the idea that it was filmed in his living room should be thought about when dealing with the subject presented in the thread title. Furthermore, I should explain that this post is meant in jest.

If you have been affected by any of the issues presented in this post, do not hesitate to contact me at my private email address of [email protected]
My only argument against false flag is "does he get the chairs back". So if he magically gets them returned next week then we can safely say he had it done.

Everything else could be Pat - right down to using Craigslist, home of the pepperoni post. But he loses the chairs that he loved more than life.

The funniest thing would be him doing this and seriously expecting to get them returned.

Were it a false flag, we wouldn't have seen that back and forth with someone whom Patrick initially believed to be the "fugitive". He also wouldn't have expressly pointed out that he has the plate of their "2011-2024 Ford whatever". Because clearly he was fuming, furiously Googling his little hooves off trying to play detective.

The only false flag that would align with the above would be if Niki:
  1. wanted to garbage-chairs gone
  2. secretly hates Patrick
  3. took matters into her own hands, in the funniest way possible short of swinging an axe
...which, as we've seen, she's (quite literally) hopelessly devoted to... Pat. And that comes with that.

Nah, some Kiwi likely did it. But Patrick did not.
If this email exchange between Pat and the stlaker is legit, then I think that rules out a false flag/gayop.

Edit: see post above, I'm gay
I should have also added that this is a person who could not commit to a six hour shift at Target (I mean, if he is to be believed). He couldn't commit to crafting a red herring like that. Especially for something so low-stakes.

Pat only commits to something when it's likely to fuck his life up in a public and hilarious fashion, where all of the wounds (say, like the $83k) are self-inflicted.


Dan was saying that he was following through on the lie when engaging with the person pretending to be the dyke, but I don't think he's operating at that level.

He wouldn't be able to play the fool if he knew was talking to a cyberstalker. His ego just can't handle it. Also, the "crime" is too petty and funny for Pat to have staged it. When he stages something, it's always on the nose, very sinister, and not funny at all.

I initially thought that it was a false flag because he didn't seem to have any reason to know about the Craigslist post, but I just think that's him being a bad storyteller and not giving enough exposition.

He found out somehow and he doesn't feel the need to explain. That's how he behaves when something actually happened.

"It isn't my job to educate you... God your dumb."


Dan was saying that he was following through on the lie when engaging with the person pretending to be the dyke, but I don't think he's operating at that level.

He wouldn't be able to play the fool if he knew was talking to a cyberstalker. His ego just can't handle it. Also, the "crime" is too petty and funny for Pat to have staged it. When he stages something, it's always on the nose, very sinister, and not funny at all.

I initially thought that it was a false flag because he didn't seem to have any reason to know about the Craigslist post, but I just think that's him being a bad storyteller and not giving enough exposition.

He found out somehow and he doesn't feel the need to explain. That's how he behaves when something actually happened.

"It isn't my job to educate you... God your dumb."
It’s true. Pat is a liar but he’s not always lying.