This Fat Cocksucker must really suffer from delusions

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!

Lol he aged so terribly. As gay as he looks here, at least he's thin. His level of derangement to think he still looks like that 60lbs later is incredible.

Barney Gumble

I legitimately know fat people who consume more than they burn but they work, walk, play some hoops, and they all look far better built. His diet is only half of the story, he barely moves all day and then goes to a gym where he looks at his phone and doesn't do another thing. If he did anything regularly he'd be less hunchbacked, soft, and sweaty. His activity level is that of a full time nursing patient in a rest home. He would benefit from chair yoga at this point. He has no injuries, because he played no sports, and did no labor. There are guys with crippled joints and fat at 45-65 who still look better from their 25 plus years of labor than he does.
He has the muscle tone of a veal


The gunslinger.
Name me the verse where it says having encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible is necessary for salvation. Square your sola scriptura dogmatism with the fact that for centuries most Christians were illiterate and learned from icons and the Liturgy ie. they couldn't read the Bible even if they had access to a copy.

And post bob

I agree but how did Jesus rebuke Satan?

You must know what is written!


the $83,736.99 fugitive
its called doms and anyone whos ever worked out knows this.

muscle soreness peaks between 24-72 hours.[1]

you get it coming back from injury or if you've deloaded for too long


Which way?! Medium or well done?
I legitimately know fat people who consume more than they burn but they work, walk, play some hoops, and they all look far better built.
There are guys with crippled joints and fat at 45-65 who still look better from their 25 plus years of labor than he does.
I take it you have a dog in this fight? :mel_sm:
He's a fat shit at 44, even if he just walked regularly 3-4 miles a day, since he doesn't go to work and maybe ate out only on weekends, he'd look 100% better. Yet he has to larp he has some serious workout regimen going.
ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

Barney Gumble

I remember very early on in this whole saga fatty was doing his annual New Years Gym Rat Pat routine and talking about also adding a "home gym" in the attic or something and there was a part of me that was worried for real that he was going to go and actually get in shape so we couldn't make fun of him for being a fatso anymore. Now I just HAHA HOLEE SHIIIT at the thought of that because he went the complete opposite way and got fatter and dumber than ever.
I remember very early on in this whole saga fatty was doing his annual New Years Gym Rat Pat routine and talking about also adding a "home gym" in the attic or something and there was a part of me that was worried for real that he was going to go and actually get in shape so we couldn't make fun of him for being a fatso anymore. Now I just HAHA HOLEE SHIIIT at the thought of that because he went the complete opposite way and got fatter and dumber than ever.
I thought this too. I figured we'd motivate him to lose weight.


Stand Alone Fruit
I remember very early on in this whole saga fatty was doing his annual New Years Gym Rat Pat routine and talking about also adding a "home gym" in the attic or something and there was a part of me that was worried for real that he was going to go and actually get in shape so we couldn't make fun of him for being a fatso anymore. Now I just HAHA HOLEE SHIIIT at the thought of that because he went the complete opposite way and got fatter and dumber than ever.
He claimed they needed the gym for reasons related to Covid after Covid was pretty much over and places weren’t requiring masks. Of course that was two years ago and he looks worse than ever after wasting money on an un-used home gym. He now has zero excuse to be such a fat slob which is why he rarely ever takes a selfie.