Two unemployed bums talking about the economy


Stand Alone Fruit
If you are trading stocks on the free apps like robinhood then you need to realise they are free because you are the product, they sell your data to Wall Street and they use it against you. If you’re really investing then you need to get a real broker and pay the commission and actually hold the stocks.

I don’t have the money to invest properly right now, so I don’t bother with those stupid apps. People really have no idea how predatory they are and what’s really happening on them.
I know that’s how a lot of Robinhood / Stash (I dont use those) etc are free but I’m a long term investors (buy and hold) and not trying to do day trading (due to my job I’m actually not allowed to do that kind of thing and can be fired for PAD violations. I’ve been investing over 15 years and it’s more to build over time and heavy on dividend stocks which is much better than bank interest which is next to nothing.


Stand Alone Fruit
I have a bachelors in Econ and a masters in finance. All I know about the economy is that the best gauge is your own eye test.

I don’t even look at GDP or GNP or unemployment because who gives a fuck about numbers that are calculated with a bunch of caveats and exclusions.

Even then, how the fuck do you make them actionable in your everyday life? And do you even believe that government jackoffs are capable of using and producing accurate data?

I certainly don’t. All I know is I’m seeing more layoffs in higher paying jobs, higher gas prices, higher utility prices, higher food prices, and a government that’s finding more ways to over regulate industries and businesses while simultaneously becoming less efficient and more disorganized.

If Pat thinks it’s good, then that’s all I need to know it’s complete shit
Exactly - someone who hasn’t worked a real job in years and is living off government handouts / Niki’s mom / etc. has zero understanding of how things are. Also they don’t have kids so even less grasp on the average person.

I remember people like Pat getting upset at the low unemployment rate under trump and said it was because “things are so bad people have to get second jobs!” (AOC said this multiple times) but now praise it under Biden when you’ve got working people that can never retire AND have to get part time / second jobs etc. same with how Biden clsims he created so many jobs when a majority of those were lost during Covid and came back once it was over.

People vote with their wallets. These two bums haven’t earned a paycheck in years but think everything is great. It’s like how they had to change the definition of recession because it made Biden look bad.


Stand Alone Fruit
In case you were wondering about Brian

Of course he’s still crying about playing dodgeball as a kid.

Sue Lightning

Which is wild. Inflation is out of control, inflation that Trump is more responsible for than Biden. Stock markets at all time highs so if you have less money now, that's your fault.
Eh I do get the criticism against Bidens economy though. Yes, stock markets are at an all time high (and thus 401k’s), and unemployment is also at an all time low. But those aren’t metrics anyone “feels”. People would be more comfortable if inflation was low, even if that means conversely having unemployment be higher. So Biden can go “Look at the numbers” but it doesn’t matter if people don’t FEEL them.

Inflation is also a self predicting prophecy. People don’t have a lot of faith in Biden economically. So if inflation reaches 1%, and people still spend and save like inflation is at 2%, it will still be 2%.

Anyone can point out this inflation was caused by Trump but it doesn’t matter. Most people just blame it on the guy in office while it’s happening. Just like how Biden is blamed by some people for repealing Roe v Wade even though that wasn’t his thing.
Eh I do get the criticism against Bidens economy though. Yes, stock markets are at an all time high (and thus 401k’s), and unemployment is also at an all time low. But those aren’t metrics anyone “feels”. People would be more comfortable if inflation was low, even if that means conversely having unemployment be higher. So Biden can go “Look at the numbers” but it doesn’t matter if people don’t FEEL them.

Inflation is also a self predicting prophecy. People don’t have a lot of faith in Biden economically. So if inflation reaches 1%, and people still spend and save like inflation is at 2%, it will still be 2%.

Anyone can point out this inflation was caused by Trump but it doesn’t matter. Most people just blame it on the guy in office while it’s happening. Just like how Biden is blamed by some people for repealing Roe v Wade even though that wasn’t his thing.
I hear ya. People can blame Biden now and praise Trump then even though neither had much to do with the economy of the time.

Inflation is quite a bit lower here than just about anywhere and the dollar is at all time highs against nearly every currency.

It's a tough one, man. Genuinely.


Stand Alone Fruit
I hear ya. People can blame Biden now and praise Trump then even though neither had much to do with the economy of the time.

Inflation is quite a bit lower here than just about anywhere and the dollar is at all time highs against nearly every currency.

It's a tough one, man. Genuinely.
Something else that isn’t being talked about much is credit card balances are at a record high. To me that’s pretty scary if people are going into record debt just to get by and we all know credit card debt gets to be hard to get out of when APRs are usually 20-25%. Just ask Jackie!

Sue Lightning

Plus he upsets people like @Sue Lightning and Pat, so I’d vote for him for that sole reason. In reality it makes no difference who wins.
Imagine being so obsessed with other men and their opinions it influences who you’re voting for.

I’m not voting for Biden because “Well Nobacon would be a lot poorer because of it! Thats based!”

If you want to vote Trump, vote Trump, but doing so because of other peoples reactions is so retarded you might as well not even vote at all.


Imagine being so obsessed with other men and their opinions it influences who you’re voting for.

I’m not voting for Biden because “Well Nobacon would be a lot poorer because of it! Thats based!”

If you want to vote Trump, vote Trump, but doing so because of other peoples reactions is so retarded you might as well not even vote at all.
No disrespect, but you generally have the most dogshit opinions possible. Doing the opposite of whatever you say is a recipe for success.


Stand Alone Fruit
Imagine being so obsessed with other men and their opinions it influences who you’re voting for.

I’m not voting for Biden because “Well Nobacon would be a lot poorer because of it! Thats based!”

If you want to vote Trump, vote Trump, but doing so because of other peoples reactions is so retarded you might as well not even vote at all.
I’m interested to see the voter turn out for this one because it feels like 2004 Bush vs Kerry and both were shit. Biden sucks and has no idea where he is but Trump doesn’t shut the fuck up and can’t let anything go. I can see a lot just staying home because either way it’s not gonna be good and people just want it to be over. Of course we’re going to be told this is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER! (I’ve heard that for every election since I could first vote in 2004) and EVERYTHING IS ON THE LINE (again, heard before) and other nonsense.

Sue Lightning

I’m interested to see the voter turn out for this one because it feels like 2004 Bush vs Kerry and both were shit. Biden sucks and has no idea where he is but Trump doesn’t shut the fuck up and can’t let anything go. I can see a lot just staying home because either way it’s not gonna be good and people just want it to be over. Of course we’re going to be told this is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER! (I’ve heard that for every election since I could first vote in 2004) and EVERYTHING IS ON THE LINE (again, heard before) and other nonsense.
Its genuinely a tough one. They talk about the record high voter turnout of 2020 but it was only 66%. To put that into perspective the voter turnout for 2004 and 2012 was 60% (the same as 2016) and 58% respectively. But those elections also had the caveat of Bush’s increased patriotism post 9/11 and Obama being a charismatic candidate the Dems liked. Dems weren’t energized by Kerry, Republicans weren’t energized by Romney. So even though the election turnout won’t be horrific the enthusiasm displayed for both candidates is certainly an all time low.

Sue Lightning

And I feel like i’ve said this before but Bidens voter issues are different than Trumps. Both need independents to win but of who has a better sway with independents its obviously Biden, I don’t think anyone will dispute this. However, Biden has an issue that Trump doesn’t which is winning votes from his own party. The anti-Israel wing is firmly left wing and WILL sit out this election just to protest. Conversely, Trump will win huge blocks of his party from the hardcore R’s to the moderates who are just trying to get a win for the party.

Sue Lightning

@Sue Lightning speaking of employment, what is your job that you can post novels on here all day every day? Tech?
We’ve been over this, STUPIT. I make my own hours. Some days I work from 9-5, other days I work 1-2 depending on the jobs and how many. I also don’t use any other social media so anytime i’m not working i’m pretty much on here. Today, no jobs.

Edit: That didn’t answer your question. I don’t want to dox myself but my vague job description would probably be “home inspector”


We’ve been over this, STUPIT. I make my own hours. Some days I work from 9-5, other days I work 1-2 depending on the jobs and how many. I also don’t use any other social media so anytime i’m not working i’m pretty much on here. Today, no jobs.

Edit: That didn’t answer your question. I don’t want to dox myself but my vague job description would probably be “asshole inspector”
So you're a gay prostitute?