Do you support the death penalty?


  • Yes, fry them

  • No because it takes too much money in appeals (faggot liberal take)

  • No because it’s cruel and unusual punishment

  • Bonnie is not a good rapper

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I think it should be used sparingly as literally a societal revenge, and when guilt has been established beyond a doubt, it should be applied quickly and without fanfare.

So only for those crimes that are truly appalling - child killers, some shithead who mows down a roomful of strangers etc - bog standard murderers get life in prison. Bullet behind the ear and incinerated, no last meal/words or anything. Just disposed of.


aka aloysius devadander abercrombie
why don't we bring back roman colosseums? once a year, let's have a pay-per-view event where every person on death row has to fight to the death -- and for particularly heinous people, such as mass murderers or anthony cumia, they're put against a tiger. this is a good alternative to the current system, as it provides entertainment to the masses, cleans up the dregs of society, *as well* as stimulates the economy through streaming sales, ticket sales, and the purchase of concessions


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
why don't we bring back roman colosseums? once a year, let's have a pay-per-view event where every person on death row has to fight to the death -- and for particularly heinous people, such as mass murderers or anthony cumia, they're put against a tiger. this is a good alternative to the current system, as it provides entertainment to the masses, cleans up the dregs of society, *as well* as stimulates the economy through streaming sales, ticket sales, and the purchase of concessions
This is a really amusing concept. Consider yourself unblocked.

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
No too expensive and I have no evidence for life after death so I think that's the end of their punishment and would rather they just had dull lives in a cell for decades
Yeah but for people already mentioned in this thread like mass shooters who didn’t commit suicide, they have somewhat accepted their fate when going into their acts.

If you’re willing to massacre a dozen unarmed people and not kill yourself then I imagine you will find a way to deal with living in prison. Unless there’s some sort of special circumstance where you aren’t allowed books or outside time because of what you did, they will adjust to it.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Yeah but for people already mentioned in this thread like mass shooters who didn’t commit suicide, they have somewhat accepted their fate when going into their acts.

If you’re willing to massacre a dozen unarmed people and not kill yourself then I imagine you will find a way to deal with living in prison
I think one of my hardest laughs ever was the photo of the Columbine guys with Nick Mullen’s face photoshopped on it. Any time it’s an open and shut case then they should be fried. Especially the Joker guy from Colorado. Boomer take it not, I stand by it.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Even if they never end up killing you it is a harsher punishment because you're locked up 23 hours a day and don't get to walk around the prison and use the facilities like if you are a lifer. So if someone I knew got killed I'd want them to get the death penalty.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
Yes or no? I’m for it in the most extreme circumstances like Nickolas Cruz or Dylan Roof. I’m sick of paying taxes so Scott Peterson and the Melendez (heh) brothers can get love letters in prison. I don’t think there’s that many incorrect convictions anymore.
Serious answer: I’m in favor of killing murderers and rapists but I’m opposed to the government doing it. (Nice lack of a poll option that perfectly reflects my opinion stupid.) It should be done by the victims families/community, possibly even lynching style. That said I am glad when incredibly evil people get executed even if it’s the government doing it.

Fun answer: Can we get rid of this lethal injection shit already? BORING. I want to see live-streamed woodchipper executions.