Has anyone mentioned Bill Burr recently humiliated Anthony and told him to kick rocks?

Sue Lightning

Yeaaaah man….Anthony may be a degenerate pedo woman beating alcoholic who insulted this guys wife…BUT i still hate Burr more cause he’s a liberal maaaaahn. Who is he to not want to work with Anthony? Hypocrite! Everyone knows between the years of 2004-2014 Burr was a white nationalist until his EVIL GORILLA WIFE corrupted him.


Yeaaaah man….Anthony may be a degenerate pedo woman beating alcoholic who insulted this guys wife…BUT i still hate Burr more cause he’s a liberal maaaaahn. Who is he to not want to work with Anthony? Hypocrite! Everyone knows between the years of 2004-2014 Burr was a white nationalist until his EVIL GORILLA WIFE corrupted him.

I never said anything like that. No one can blame Burr for not wanting anything to do with him but Burr has far more reach with his evil.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Burr probably is more responsible for child rape than Anthony, a literal pedophile, just by working for Disney. They both are two losers that no one should want to work with. If you were a normal person you would have to greatly sacrifice your morals to be near either of these two creeps.

Burr has basically been around Harvey Weinstein and Bryan Singer level creeps for decades now and not said a thing.


Yeah you were the only one in this thread making sense. Everyone else is being a Nana ballwasher and legitimately supports a pedophile over a dude who married a negress.

If that's your takeaway, your a little slow brotherman. Bill Burr is a larger negative force in the world than Nana, by far. Is nana gabarge? Yes, but he is so far deep into obscurity he can only do so much. Burr is very famous right now and knowingly and actively doing evil on a mass scale. Retard.

Sue Lightning

If that's your takeaway, your a little slow brotherman. Bill Burr is a larger negative force in the world than Nana, by far. Is nana gabarge? Yes, but he is so far deep into obscurity he can only do so much. Burr is very famous right now and knowingly and actively doing evil on a mass scale. Retard.
I can’t even make a genuine response. Reading this shortened my lifespan.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
To say Anthony is a washed up has-been would be an understatement and he’s also a degenerate.
SO SO SO SO SO you’re saying my BROTHER who I helped PUT INTO THE CHAIR with OPE is “washed up”??? Hrmph. Go back to your CONSTRUCTION job and keep your mouth SHUT! We made a DEAL, MANY years ago, and now we LAUGH at LIBTARD FAGS like YOU while we cash out CHEQUES at the bank.

Sue Lightning

Praise kek